Singapore has celebrated its version of Halloween already. Mid-September is the time for a month of Hungry Ghost rituals.
Local legend tells tales of the Gates of Hell opening for a short time to allow earthlings to make ammends with unhappy ancestors.
In order to keep them placated so they won't create mischief or bad luck for the living, food is piled onto makeshift altars and incense is burned around the clock.
A huge yellow tent was set up in Tanjong Pagar park to mark the highlights of on-going rituals. Monks show up to chant and keep the peace.
It's a scary time for people in their heads but no costumes are worn---the Monks are the only people in drag in their saffron robes.
Unlike U.S. Halloween festivities which can be just another large moneymaking holiday, Hungry Ghost in Spore is just an annual local Taoist event.
thanks for the wonderful pictures. do you have any pictures of what it's like where you work or is that top secret? please post more frequently, your audience awaits your posts eagerly!!!